What is happening dudes & dudettes?
I hope you've had I good
96 hours without me.
Just wanna say
I did miss you!
I'm seriously considering
buying broadband for my bedroom as I found myself on Friday counting the days to when I can start writing my thoughts again.
I can only do it at College you see, and I've become a tad sight addicted to this thing.
Sad, you may think, but I prefer to think of it more as a blatant cry for attension. Not that I need it. I just like it. (I'm the kinda guy who secretly wants to be a world famous musician or artist or director with a plethora of fans (It
could happen).
But you know now, so it's not much of a secret really is it
Well at least I'm honest.
Changing the subject I've had a cunning thought... If anyone's got any photo's, amusing pictures, or links they wana share, I'd be more than happy to stick em' on. I'm trying to think of way's to give this place something for everyone. A few pictures here and there are always good to share.
Jus' gimme an Email.
Which reminds me. I have a a Yahoo briefcase.
I recommend it. It's basically
30Mb of free space for you to stick whatever files you want to put on for you to access over computers or to share with peeps.
There's nothing on mine as yet, but I'll be putting up a few photo's and documents for people to view
very soon.
I'll still be putting pics on here but link others to this site in future.
Well. There's so much to catch up on.
You will be pleased to know that the
Golden Milhouse Award is finally completed and actually looks pretty impressive if I say so myself. I kinda took the name of the award quite literally. It's been my weekend's pride and joy. I couldn't stop tweaking it. I do like playing around on Photoshop.
It's going to be on show on Thursdays results night for the Best Food Joint 2004.
I have to say I'm slightly surprised by the lack of support my poll has been given. I expected a few more results than five.
Come On guys! : )
I guess it's a more specialized topic than before. But if you don't know the places just vote for the one with the prettiest name. I think you might be only able to vote once a day so I'll try to change that if I can.
Keep voting!
Saturday morning was nice. Mum offered to make a
cooked breakfast which was odd as I can't figure out what spurred on that decision. She doesn't like
bacon, dislikes greasy cooking and usually is not awake till
11o' something (I think in her previous life she must of liked to hibernate in the winter, eat
nuts and live in a oak tree in Kelsey). But it was a very nice gesture none the least.
Thank You mommy. (she doesn't read this)
On Sunday, my mum planned for the
'family unit' to go to see Tom Cruise in Collateral. But when we got to Beckenham Odeon we ended up going back due to James
'not being old enough to view a 15 rated presentation' - apparently the local paper wrote down it was a 12A and mums not a very good liar, bless. What made the pointless car trip worse, was that whilst Mum was having a go at the manager, I was buying
a large box of Popcorn for the occasion. That was a waste of money.
You can't eat popcorn without watching a movie!
It's an unwritten law which could lead to being fined, prosecuted & be-headed so I'm told.
And it was beautiful popcorn too.
Fresh, sweet & just the right temperature.
Oh well...
I'm going to see
Hero on Saturday - "
possibly the most beautifully shot film made, ever" - with Aylwin if any one fancies comin.
probably Saturday night anyway.
I have a previous record of arranging plans which then fall to pieces coz someone been grounded or whatever.
At last! I got my Student Travel Card.
But Bugger... It seems it's cheaper if I don't use it at all - you can only use it for week and monthly passes. £25 a week! And that's
with 30% off!
London is expensive man.
Looks like I'm gonna have to double my shift at Safeways.
Today I had fair reason to be quite miffed off, but luckily, thanks to my natural
'cool-as-a-cucumber' self, I managed to let it go with out attempting any personal injury.
Getting my train ticket this morning, I was happily waiting in line for my turn and listening to the
Keane album on my iPod (Track 11 -
Bedshaped is amazing). The man in front left, leaving me to make me to pay stupid amounts to get back home, when a very stern-looking, post middle-aged woman behind me, (looking very much like one of my 'less favourite' customers) asked if I was getting the 18-past.
Can you believe it!?
'Er, yes I AM', I replied.
The Cheeky sod.
Obviously, she was in a needless rush and thought that because she was holding an oversized portfolio she could jump in front of me.
Just coz your older than me doesn't mean you can skip the queue. If you were bigger, then perhaps.
The trains were slow today so I thought I was going to be late.
The tubes were freakishly quite so I thought a
zombie might jump me like in 12 day's Later.
But it didn't.
I rushed to the lecture theatre to find no-one there.
'Oh crap'.
I look at my time table to check, and it clearly says 'Tuesday 5th, Workshop Lecture Theatre, Group 2,
So I look all around the college looking for my Group when I realize...
'This is the wrong timetable'.
It turns out there's another timetable on the other side of the sheet saying 'Tuesday 5th, Workshop Lecture Theatre, Group 2,
The bastads.
What kind of
doofus makes to conflicting timetables I tell ya? Who!? Mr. Confusing that's who.
Nobody want to be at school an hour early.
Unless your Blake of course.
I checked my emails and red the paper.
I forgot to mention on Thursday last week we had a documentary maker in talking about media research (We've 4 weeks of induction on each part of the course - this week it's Photography)
We had to do a 5 min presentation on the Elephant & Castle 're-generation' project in groups on 5.
It was at this point I realized something amazing...
There's more Girls than Boys here.
I'm like outnumbered
4-1 here.
Now most of the male generation may think this is great, and there is that part of me that thinks so too.
After all, there are some
pretty fantastic faces round this joint.
But I can't talk about boy stuff anymore. What if they here me? I mean, with that many female species in one spot
anything could happen. They might chase me round the college trying to slap me coz I said something stupid like girls shouldn't play sports unless they are bouncing a lot and wearing small costumes
(Just an example girls, don't hate me).
To make things worse, out of the remaining people with bits included, I'd say half them prefer
pink to
blue -
you can't talk boy stuff to them.
Which leads me to the question of whether I should start buying cushions with flowers on like everyone else if you get my jist.
It's a question I have often pondered, but usually I end up thinking how I could ever get my voice to sound
so lady-like.
How do gay men do it? What did they sound like before they started listening to Frankie goes to Hollywood.
If you do happen to be homosexual, please contact me. I would very much like to know the answer on that particular topic.
Another question that entered my head was
how do you spell 'Disslexeare'? Why choose I hard word to describe a spelling disorder?
If you do happen to be '
Disslexxick' please contact me. I would very much like to know the answer on that particular topic too. Just make sure you spell the e-mail address correctly.
Any hoo.
Getting back to this research thing, we had to interview the people of E&C about their views of the £1billion project to give this
**it hole a good old lick of paint.
It was quite interesting really, they're spending 25mil
just on trying to advertise the proposition to locals but no knows a dam thing.
Thousands of estate families will be kicked out of their homes and into infuriately city accomadion... the market place will be forgotten with the new Shopping center, and it will be a major transport centre to get in to central London.
Basically they are gonna try and reinvent the place, which isn't bad but all the culture and people who can't afford to live anywhere else will be washed out.
I've mixed views personally but it was very thought provoking even though it doesn't really affect me.
Most recently I've been having
the most perculier dreams.
I have a pad a pen next to my bed so if ever I have such an occasion I can jot it down before I forget it.
Tonight's one was short and sweet quite simply, I was playing pool with
Ash, Newman, Lorrie (Aylwin's sister),
and a girl from work. I was feeling really stuffy and had the urge to tell all these really geeky crap jokes. I couldn't help myself. The girls thought that this was hilarious and were laughing their heads off. Ash was trying all these
fancy pot shots but every time cocked the shot up, making huge holes appear in the table felt.
The twit. And Newman amusingly got
kicked in the head from the girl at work because he sat on her lap and didn't realize she was wearing mistletoe and had to snog her.
???? I know, Weird.
But I have to say Saturday night's has to top that.
In my dream, I woke up in the morning and found out that Gem (Ash's girlfriend) had stayed the night in my room (
I swear to God nothing happened Ash!). We were talking about how much she had a crush on Robbie Williams. We were all very giggilly at which point I decided to try and stick googlely eyes onto a book. I was so tired though that my eyes were falling asleep and I missed the book and instead
stuck them on my forehead. I kept apologizing to her but she too was laughing her head off.
I then realized there was a load of grey elastically dead skin all around my neck from sleeping rough. So I started peeling it but it didn't help as more and more appeared.
I then asked Gem if she had watched Joanna Lummley on Parkinson the night before (she was talking about a ghost story that happened to her which genuinely freaked me out!).
We then were suddenly transported into a trailer for
a new BBC sit-com starring Dawn French about her living in a haunted house where all this freaky shit happened but she never realized. Nor did she find it wierd that friends were mutants and monsters (One guy wheeled around on a surgeons table and had all his organs layed out. nice.) And that she was a ghost too.
In one baffling skit, she opened the front door to us but appeared to have
her arms back-to-front as she had her back to us. She kept perfectly still and then a dark shadow out of the darkness inside the house moved towards her and quickly merged into her and seemed to reveal her front side without her turning round at all. Gem was none the wiser.
I was scared as fcuk. Then I woke up.
That's what happens when you watch too much TV before going to bed.
If anyone's got a number for a good mental hospital please contact me, as I haven't a clue what's going on with my Brain upstairs.
What a weirdo.
I know there's a lot to read today.
I do apologize.
I said I'd keep them short but haven't do so yet.
It's coz I'm so interesting you see.
There's just so much to tell.
Byzie Bye.
Thanks for the e-mail Louise - v.funny.
Newman, I wanna talk to you about a forthcoming Porthmouth visit.
Paul Bratton... how could you miss out on a Sci-fi shake?
Blake - nice bloggin with the handwriteing stint there.
Omad Djalili you ROCK!
Gem keep out of my dreams. I'll get in trouble.