From The Bottom Of My Heart.
I was just going over some of my first posts I wrote in 2004 and just wanted to say how terribly sorry I am you were subject to so much drivvle.
Not that my writing now is of any vast improvement, by any caliber
(though i did just use the word caliber just now).
It's just so cringe worthy, Im actually shocked that I thought what i wrote back then was amusing. But never mind.
The main reason I'm apologizing is because someone I've just recently caught up with is reading this and I'm pretty sure somewhere along the line, embarrassing comments have been made!
Now I realize that this is clearly not a good enough consolation post to make up for the lack of any over the month. As I've said lots of times before, I'll make sure I get back to you with more interesting things. (interestingness not a guarantee)
So in the mean time while you chew your anti depressants and millycatine gum slap, I will simply leave you, with this... Thank you please.
no way milhouse - i read some of your old posts some time ago, and they still made me laugh. anyway - i'm back now would be good to see you soon.
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