Milly's Got A Brand New Link

Here's another hand-clicked link for you to add and make your website look "oh-so-much-more-exciting". Just copy and paste the following code in and you're away:
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
If you gase your eyes to the right, you may also notice I've made a few other buttons...
Milly Lomo - is my new photo community site which I'll be uploading exclusively my LOMO photography.
Steve's Knee - Is Steve Ford's own insightful blog into all things Steve releated. Suffering from a knee injury - hence the name, "steve's knee" - it also serves as a way for all concerned to check his progress... without him constantantly having to tell same story to different peeps. I like his thinking!
Hob's Blog - The same as before just a smaller button
& lastly My, You Tube - Another site I've registered with to break into video content I'll try & get some cool stuff on here for you.
Love ya.
Matt - do you ever work in the Cafe Nero next to Pret A Manger in croydon - near East Croydon station?
Well I used to for about 6 months but I transferred to West Wickham because I couldn't stand the noisy Frenchman there.
(Only joking boss!)
Nah, 'fraid I'm not working there anymore. Great store mind. Just say you know me and they'll sort you out something ;)
Shame, currently using Pret for lunch as I have a 20 min wait at East Croydon in the mornings at the mo, so I could have popped in. Would feel mightily cheeky about blagging something in your name, so will probably not do so.
BTW - your blog has been an inspiration and, as far as people tell me, is getting a lot of attention from people linking from mine - good job!
Yeah, that You Tube is pretty damn good isn't it?
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