What Large Teeth You Have Granny

I know what you're thinking - Matt you have really red cheeks...
I was thinking the same thing today.
It's takes me back just how surprisingly red they appear sometimes.
Then I started wondering why is it that they're red at all? There must be a reason for it?
I continued wondering... Maybe back in the golden age - when man wielded massive clubs, and conked them over the heads of angry dinosaurs - Man used his red cheeks, much like many of today's animals use brightly coloured signals, as a way of sex-ify-ing the opposite sex.
The redder they looked, the more likely he was to win over a mate over his lesser redded opponent.
This is probably all bollocks...
...In fact I know it's bollocks. But I liked thought of being a right sexy chap if I was born only a few millions ago. Then again, I bet all the ladies were ugly and hairy.
hmm. that's quite a compromise.
If you didn't know - which you probably don't unless your names Cami - Cami managed to make Lomographer of the day on www.lomography.com . Definitely a very cool achievement indeed. 3 Cheers and what-not.
When you check out her lomohome (link on the right --->) make sure to take a look at the 'Brighton' set as well as 'Addicted To The Park' album too. Some cracking shots there.
Dom, you got to your shizle together mate, the competition is already making it's attack.
Not to mention myself gnawing at the ankles too - Since LOMO is the new Polaroid, I bought myself a camera on eBay a while back and got my first roll back from snappy snaps the other day.
Granted, 90% of them were awful, but that's the price you pay for the wonderous delight of the LOMO spontaneity. I've stuck a few on t'internet for you to dazzle over with more to soon follow.
At the moment I'm still just trying to gauge how to use the focus, since it's pretty much a case of guess work with this camera. I'm also just using whatever colour film make I can find, so I've yet to get try cross-processing techniques and using certain rolls yadda, yadda yadda.
I've decided that I'll be sticking all LOMO shots on this lomography site as well my usual Flickr account as as I want to try and compete for the awards they compete for on lomography.
I'm pretty sure I was supposed to mention something else but I've forgotten what it was.
Though I will mention, that there's been a fair amount of people I haven't managed to keep in contact with recently and wanted to say, I haven't forgotten you. I hope that sometime soon I'll get a spare moment to catch up with you & get all the juicy gossip. At the moment I've lots of issues piling up to sort out and a few important future responsibilities to think about.
On an end note, I just wanted to add that after seeing Newman and his girlfriend Carrie the past two evenings, how thrilled I am for him that he's met such a lovely person. I really look forward to seeing them again soon.
Ta-rah my lovelys!
May I make a spanking joke about your BOTTOM cheeks?
You know, "red cheeks".
am i a bad person for not reeading&commenting this earlier? yes. yes I am.
THIS IS WELL SWEET. faaaankkkkkkkkkks boysie.
take more pictures, get more up, and soon enough you'll have your face in a fridge as the welcoming image on the lomo site.
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