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The Milhouse Affairs

This is a detailed insider's account (namely me) on the living mystery that is, Matthew 'Milhouse' Johnston. Containing an amplitude of tales for everyone throughout my exciting, embarrassing, bewildering and shameless day-to-day lifestyle, I will bleed my heart out on to these electronic pages in the hope that you will be blessed with the knowledge that Milhouse is still very much alive, in sorts. Viva Las Milhouse... Forever!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Just To Let Ye All Knoweth


I've been working hard pretty much every day at Caffe Nero at the moment.
Unfortunasly, This has ment that as usual, this site has been left to rot and smell very distintly of a manky half-eaten cabbage.

I realise that I missed out a whole chunk of the Europe trip (around about the time we got to Italy and discovered the beachez) and just in case any of you were wondering... me and Aylwin did actually get back home safely - we didn't get kidnapped by Praugonians or anything!)

I really do want to try and at least finish off briefly what happened on the senoncd half of our trip for my own sake, and I also want to continue telling you NEW & EXCITING STORIES about my life currently too! - wheather you like it or not!
