MillyTV - 90's Rock
Alright peeps. What's happening?
I've had an pretty lifeless week mostly. Though I can't complain - Dad's been spending a heck of a lot of money on me for my big trip up north in Leeds. Shoes, Clothes, Cutlery,'s all very much appreciated*.
As the internet junkie I have recently come to become (???), the evil 'YouTube' site has developed as regular diet to my general surfing hours. Seeing as now there is so much video material out there on the internet, I figured that I'm going to start making a few playlists of specific material I've come across, saving you the time and anguish of plowing you way through the crap to the jems you so desire.
Aptly naming this project MillyTV, the first collection of videos featured today celebrate the rock music from the 90's and videos that complimented them. Some you know, some you might not. Either way, they are a collection of my favourites, I hope you enjoy them.
Rollins Band - Liar
I found this after looking up Beavis & Butt-head stuff online.
I can't believe I never heard of them before this. Intense Video!
Rage Againsted The Machine - Sleep Now In The Fire
Write a politically charged song, have Michael Moore film you perform in front of the New York Stock Exchange and make the police have to close Wall Street during mid-day trading. Rock n Roll.
Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized
Up there as one of the funniest rock videos around in my opinion.
Nirvana - Heart Shaped Box
Apparently they changed a section of the video where Kurt is lying in a poppy field as it seemed the smoke rising from his mouth was just a little too unsettling after his infamous death. Good Video.
Pearl Jam - Alive (live)
A classic 90's track.
Weezer - Buddly Holly
This is old school nostalgism, man.
Skunk Anansie - I Can Dream
Skin, the greatest woman to ever grace a rock band. Beautiful, but scary as funk all at the same time. Killer track. Used to listen to this with my best friend in primary school.
The Cranberries - Zombie
Another political anthem from my second adored lady of rock. Definatly the best keening singer in the business.
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
Weird Ass Video. Nevermind, good track.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Love Rollercoaster
Grade A Infectious. A great cover by the Chilis. Even if it isn't Frusciante playing.
Green Day - Hitchin' A Ride
Reminds me of when we would eat jam toast and play pool in sunday school... no really!
Radiohead - Just
What the bloody hell does he say!
Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight
Love 'em or hate 'em, it's a beautiful video.
Presidents Of The United States Of America - Peaches
Jokes Video.
*if you'd like to donate any money towards the 'Milly Greedy Bastad' scheme, please feel free to email me here not forgeting to include your name, address, bank details and pin number. ACCEPTED CONTRIBUTIONS OF £50 OR HIGHER ONLY PLEASE... that or a steak dinner.
It scares me that you ued to listen to I Can Dream in primary school. I love this track - great bassist but this hit me at 17 and is one of those 'start of real musical exploration' tracks that remind me me of the exciting mid-90's. Man I feel so old......
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