Sunday, June 25, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Like A Robot From 1984

(They were reet pleasant)
First of all - Happy Birthday Shout Outs.
Steve Ford, Laurie Steele, Newman & Ash Phillips
Hope you all thoroughly enjoyed yourselves - sorry I couldn't be there for all of you to celebrate.
Went up London on Friday - Ash kindly gave me the other half of his birthday present... 2 tickets to see The Feeling. To be honest I never heard of them, but when we got to Goodge Street, I was happily bopping along the whole gig and pleasantly surprised how good they were.
I love the fact they're bringing back the old skool, Supertramp/ELO type pop rock - with a smidgen' of Queen vocal harmonies tucked in for extra kudos.
Quite refreshing, Very amusing. :)
Stand out tracks?... Rose, Fill My Little World & of course Sewn.
Worth a good listening too I say.
After that we rendezvoused with lovely Gem, Newman & his lovely ladyfriend Carrie.
- Shout out to Carrie by the way : ) -
In no time at all we were in a tiny club called The End and paying ridicously expensive bills in exchange for a quench sized cups of vodka & redbull - half of which was ice, the bloody tight bastads.
Without fail - and it'll come to no surprise to any of you who've been clubbing with me - the events that occurred henceforth were equally shamefull, erratic, exhaustive and immediately regrettable. But all in the name of fun.
To put it another way, I danced like a rabbie-infected antelope who just discovered in some bizarre incidence, his mother was his sister, his uncle was his nephew and the world IS actually flat.
To put it another way, the clubs decision to blast an ecletic mix of hip hop, house, techno, drum & bass & and acid guaranteed my shirt was dripping with sweat the moment I got in and proceeded to dance-off anyone who had an inclining that they were more ridiculous than myself.
Feet were stepped on, dignities were forgotten, voices were strained and aftershave was absolutely pointless.
Thanks guys, great night out :)
For me, Friday night was a double celebration as I just found out a few hours prior, I got an unconditional offer from my first choice university. Well chuffed I am.
So from September onwards I'll be having the time of my life studying Multimedia Technology @ Leeds Met. Woo! The excitement & apprehension is growing.
It's going to be weird living this far away from my friends. On the other hand, I know Aylwin & Co. are not far away and of course thehumorouss Rooty Ruth is there too :)
In other news, I want to congratulate Greg, my now ex-boss who's wisely left the piss poor paid Caffe Nero nest and spread wings somewhere where he's value is actually appreciated.
Coz I never liked him anyway!
Well done buddy, don't forget to skype me now and then.
Well i'm going to eat.
It's the sunday summer and the BBQ is ripe for the cooking.
"Mange-tous, Mange-tous."
Sunday, June 04, 2006
From The Bottom Of My Heart.
I was just going over some of my first posts I wrote in 2004 and just wanted to say how terribly sorry I am you were subject to so much drivvle.
Not that my writing now is of any vast improvement, by any caliber
(though i did just use the word caliber just now).
It's just so cringe worthy, Im actually shocked that I thought what i wrote back then was amusing. But never mind.
The main reason I'm apologizing is because someone I've just recently caught up with is reading this and I'm pretty sure somewhere along the line, embarrassing comments have been made!
Now I realize that this is clearly not a good enough consolation post to make up for the lack of any over the month. As I've said lots of times before, I'll make sure I get back to you with more interesting things. (interestingness not a guarantee)
So in the mean time while you chew your anti depressants and millycatine gum slap, I will simply leave you, with this... Thank you please.