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The Milhouse Affairs

This is a detailed insider's account (namely me) on the living mystery that is, Matthew 'Milhouse' Johnston. Containing an amplitude of tales for everyone throughout my exciting, embarrassing, bewildering and shameless day-to-day lifestyle, I will bleed my heart out on to these electronic pages in the hope that you will be blessed with the knowledge that Milhouse is still very much alive, in sorts. Viva Las Milhouse... Forever!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hot Or Not

Just a small personal experiment you understand :)
Pretty suprised by the results actually, not bad, not bad!

I wonder if glasses would make an impact on not? Hmm???


Feeling particly vain and cocky at this current moment (Blake), I challange thee to a duel.

Who's the hotter out of me and you?

You got to ask yourself one question... Do I Feel Sexy?

Well do ya?

This will be interesting!

ps. a few simple rules if you please

1. No Photoshop
2. Close-ups only - face should be noticable
3. Hats are allowed but leave facial coverage to a minium &...
4. No cheating. Voting yourself is pointless.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

20 Years In The Making

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Technology These Days

I saw this in the paper today & frankly, I'm astonded at how fast the pace today's technology is. If anyone had told me a year ago that these kind of capabilities would be possible now, I wouldn't of believed them.

I tried scanning the ad in but my my scanners cocking up, so I've had a little surf on t'internet and
found the site all about it.

Check it out and see for your self.