Wasn't that a long depart?
Where does the time go?
Well, Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all have had a sufficient amount of crap cracker gifts, sore 'sofa bottoms' and sage + onion stuffing, stuffed in you to last the rest of the day. I most certainly have.
Luckily, I managed to get into the Christmas spirit of things just in time. On Thursday, the day of my Mum's birthday might I add (Woo! Go Mum!) We went to see The Polar Express. Granted, it is a children presentation but if anything you have to see for the visuals alone (I'm loving my use of italics today!). Bloody amazing what they can do with computer wizardary these days. There were definitely moments when I was debating whether it was real or not. What got me was how Tom Hanks is able to act using only movement and expression, and then have his performance transformed into the shell of a 10 year old CG boy.
Now that is cool.
So yeah, I definitely recommend you to see that film if you can endure the number of noisy & fidgety offspring surrounding you. It also probably helps that you don't have that whole 'Scroogey' vibe going on - there are a few 'moral story' moments definitely cringe worthy.
Anyway. I lot has been said recently and not much acted on. Blake, I still haven't awarded you the prestigious Milhouse Award... The Chipstick family haven't lifted off the page since I last spoke of them... And I'm pretty sure that I've forgotten a load of things I wasn't supposed to (coursework & hygiene come to mind). I'm not promising that I'm gonna get on with them straight away. Coz let's be honest, we all know that's probably not going to happen. Ok, Ok, I won't forget to flush next time!
It seems that I've neglected this part of my life and I'm a little sorry that I couldn't keep you updated on the important things such as the bathroom politics in my house like you like me to.
I will try to keep you posted a bit more often now. That is if anyone is still there?
Hmmm. : S
I tell you what... spinning tops have never been more fun. My brother got one in his stocking this morning and I've never been so addicted to a piece of flashing plastic in my life. Dad found it on Amazon, it's called an
I-Top (Everything's always iThis or iThat isn't it?) It's got 8 LEDs in a line on the top of it and is absolutely 100x greater than 1 without lemme tell ya. You spin it and they light up and tell you how many rotations it does.
The current top score is 820 rotations made, by no other than moi.
All that finger twiddling has come in handy. (Errrrr... - spoke in Mr Showell manner)
BUY ONE!.. BUY ONE NOW and you will see how cool they are!
On the slightly perculier side of all things Christmas, I've begun to experience a string of attacks to the central region of my face with a bunch of unexplainable nose bleeds.
One minute I'll be happily doing things Milhousey, the next I'll be looking like a victim of Freddy Kruger. It's really odd. I always had a delicate left nostril you see, and used to get them a lot as a kid whenever a leather football would come hurtling my way, but only recently have I started getting nose bleeds again.
Very Strange... : S
Well that's all I'm saying for now. Still got to get into the swing of writing ridiculously long posts so that no one can be bothered to read the whole of it.
Enjoy the
fairly new pictures, and if I don't see you, Have a wonderful New Year, live long & prosper.