Listening To Aswad & Feeling GOOOOD!

Baby! Everything is Alright! Uptight! Out Of Sight! - Yeah, That's the good stuff.
For some reason I've suddenly felt really good. : )
I don't know why but then again, I don't care either!
Thanks to everyone who's posted. It's really nice to here from you all.
Collect, I only realized you left a comment. Hope you don't mind me blabbing bout you being crazy an' all.
Cozin Louise, It's great to hear from you. Thanks for making my blogspot go International.
Yay You!
Louise, too all who don't know her is my eldest (but not that old!) cozin who's currently teaching kids in Vietnam with her Hubby (What's up Chris!).
I like the drawing of yourself by the way. Good to see those art class's didn't go to waste!
(I'd love to come Vietnam - I'll definitely consider it, thanks)
Dom it's good to here from you too buddy. You're obviously not looking hard enough... I'm sure there must be SOMEONE to play Pro Evo with you.
Have you thought about writing "I Like Pro Evo - Do You?" backwards on your forehead?
Or Maybe you should get a T-shirt and put that on it?
That would be the saner option I think. Maybe not as fun thou.
I found a website with free software where you can do all that sort of stuff.
He, He! I've found my new-found short-term love!
I watched the film as a child at my grandma's but never saw it all.
I managed to find it in the library on video thou, & it ROCKS!
Sure the story line and characters are crap, the visuals are mindblowing.
It's a old Disney film about some hacker who get stuck in a computer game world where programs are living people.
But the art concept is really cool (Old school costumes that glow red or blue e.t.c) I can't really explain it.
You have to see it to believe it.
The vehicles they use are P.H.A.T. Neeeeoooowwww. Extreme-G ripped them off so much on this one!
And the backdrops... I have no idea how they did it.
The visuals were the dog nads when it was some 10-15 years ago and they're still dope.
unbelievable! They've recently made a sequel video game out of it too...
No doubt I'll be buying that!
So yeah check it out if ya can just for fun.
I stuck it onto DVD so I could watch it again and, again.
I've really got to go now.
I'm still at college and was supposed to be back home early.
Mum and Steve (evil Step-Dad) are going out to see Jonathan Ross on his Friday night live show. A few good faces are turning I hear.
Chào ba!
Jammy goits; I LOVE Jonathan Ross and want his babies. Well, you know what I mean.
Glad you're suddenly feeling really good. It happens when I stroke mine too. Shame about the mess though :-P
Behave yourself!
Hey M t "Milhouse" Johnston,
Found your blog today and spent some time reading through it. Good stuff, thanks! I'm thinking of doing one for my wiccan love spells site, but not sure I have the time to do it right. Yours looks so good though, I might!
Take care!
Who are you exactly?
How did you find my website?
I'm very confused!
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