
It seems that we've come to a point in our family hood where my mother would rather I slept outside in the porch way rather than the possibility of burglar ever thinking of coming to raid our belongings.
Friday night, or rather Saturday morning, after a thoroughly enjoyable time at Aisce's leaving doo (my real boss ;p), I eventually got to Hayes - once again completely missing my bus stop in West Wickham, thanks to the drowsiness that alcohol endeavours.
Stumbling along in the general direction to my house, I found myself desperately resisting the urge to fall asleep walking, only safe in the knowledge that I was only a few yards away from my nice cosy bed.
I had my keys ready in my hand - often half the battle won - only to find myself greeted by the enormous "CLUNKing" sound that comes with trying to open the front door whilst the latch is on.
"WTF... oh bloody hell" - my mum's locked me out the house.
I can imagine that this has probably happened to a number of us out there (Aye & Dom certainly know this is not the first time for me), and that's just life sometimes. But the ridiculous thing about his is that my Mother knew I was coming back! According to her, as it was past 3:30am, she figured I wouldn't be coming back and therefore put the door on the latch, "coz you never know".
Now I realise mothers will be mothers, but I find this quite a annoyingly paranoid perception of home security especially when you have seen all the other methods my Mum uses to deter the boogiemen from entering - And when you end up huddled up in the corner of the porch way trying to sleep whilst icicles are forming around your nostrils and other parts, this opinion is magnified somewhat 10 fold.
It gets to 5:00am now, and I have successfully been half-asleep for around an hour. But enough was enough, and the time had come to break into my own home. It's at this instant that I am so thankfully I have a skinny stature, as, with my slim wrists I amazingly managed to take the latch off in less than 10 seconds (NB. keep this information to yourself, yeah?!)
Thank the heavens, I'm inside! I tell you, my bed had never felt so comfortable in my life.
So yeah, that was yesterday morning. Usually for me that would be enough excitement for a week. But it seems that regardless of my increasing tiredness, my charms and natural wit had been called into invitation for two nights in a row. (I'm joking about charms and natural wit btw)
Jonnie & Carwyn's charity ball was last night and I have to say I was absolutely astonished at all the work that went into it. Everything went smoothly the music (Backdrop Beat) was fantastic, and the company wonderful as ever.
I got a cab and picked up Justine from her house. Of course she looked absolutely ffantastic, unfortunately I knew it would only be a matter of time in the night before she would have to be witness to the Milly dancefloor moves. Woaw is me.
I have a few new pictures which you're welcome to see along with a few others from various places and occasions, but I would really like to receive the snaps other people took as well so please email them to me if you can.
I'm deciding that with my 4 day escapism form the torments that I can Nero I'm going to visit Aylwin in Leeds again, creating havoc and mayhem at every turn possible.
Till then, I have a spot of job seeking to do, as it's about time that I thought about earning more dosh so I can move out of this venue that I call home and into my own place. Shock, Horror. Can you imagine..?
I feel sorry for the landlord already.
(Poor little bugger)
Happy Birthday Max!
Jonnie & Carwyn - A big thank you to the both of you for a fantastic evening, you should feel very proud about what you are doing.
The Family Steele - thanks for driving me home last night.
Thanks G & Adam & Justine for buying me drinks. I owe you one (each, of course)!
Howard - Know it's probably too late now, but I have the ultimate love song for you.
Jane Gillanders, finally got those photos on t'internet for you to see, let me know if you want any emailed to you.
Farewell Aisce! If I don't see you, I'm hoping you the most 'fantastish' time in Samos. Please send me a postcard sometime (or just a holiday txt if that's to old fashioned for you!).
Louise & Chris - where are you? Are you in Budapest now? What's it like? Let me know.
Rachel Archer - where are you? My favourite Nero lady, you seemed to have dissapeared off the face of the planet. I need to find out if things are as bad in Lincon Nero as they are over here! Please contact me :)
Lastly Note to everyone - I have a webcam now. Yay! Please come and visit me on MSN whenever and I'll pull a few silly faces for you if you like.
"I amazingly managed to take the latch off in less than 10 seconds" - why didn't you try that in the first place?!
Because I Didn't Even Think, Boyo.
Ah. Well, there appears to be a frog in mine.
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