'Hello, Cllliiiivvvvee!'

Hey Boys & Girls.
'How Do? Who They? & Why?' you may be asking yourself...
Well the people in question would be Newman & myself, just yesterday after my 2 day visit to his student house in Portsmouth.
He will probably kill me for publishing these Polaroid’s as its clearly apparent that we look like and couple of twats and in the right photo, his chin has disappeared. 'There's no definition! THERE'S NO DEFINITION!'
But I'm going to keep them on here anyway because, to be honest... He deserves it.
He's been laughing at all your photos on the Internet, so it's time for James to taste his own medicine.
Besides, I like it (although my bleary eyes may make me look pretty off my head, I really wasn't) and what's he gonna do to me all the way in Portsmouth? Huh?
Nothing that’s what.
So anyways, enjoy.
I've gotta get a bigger bedroom.
I can't wait to get a place of my own.
My bedroom's nice; it's just too tiny for my needs now.
I can't fit all the things James has got:
1 Phat PC, 2 Monitors, Decks, Web Cam, Fancy Digital Camera, Dung Bells, Single Bed, Sofa Bed, Comfy Chair, Fast Internet Connection, Retro Alarm Clock, 5.1 Surround Sound, XBox Live + too many games.
Dam You Newman, I want all those things!
I also would mind those hi-tops you got either. Though I probably couldn't be bothered to clean them all the time so they keep white.
Actually, I was pretty impressed by how tidy Newman's room is.
Those of you, unlucky enough to experience the abomination that was James's bedroom back in his parent’s house will equally be as astonished.
You pretty much had to walk on the walls, there was so much junk on the floor.
Even Spiderman would have trouble with that.
But no, James is a new man now (gettit) - an obsessive-compulsive tidier like myself, his room is immaculate.
It's still early days thou, as his skills have only stretched out as far as his room.
The kitchen's state is something less desirable. But I'm not having a go... after all, that student life for ya.
There's much to tell of my expidition but I have to go...
I can't stay on the Internet too long before someone finds out.
Catch ya later.
* "its clearly apparent that we look like and couple of twats and in the right photo" - you took the words right outta my mouth!
* "But I'm going to keep them on here anyway because, to be honest... He deserves it." - ha ha.
* "He's been laughing at all your photos on the Internet, so it's time for James to taste his own medicine." - whose?
* "I've gotta get a bigger bedroom." - we're gonna need a bigger boat.
* "Actually, I was pretty impressed by how tidy Newman's room is.//Those of you, unlucky enough to experience the abomination that was James's bedroom back in his parent’s house will equally be as astonished." - I spent many a night at James' gaff (most of the time bent over his bed with my bottie high), so I know what you mean. Tidy, you say?
* "But no, James is a new man now (gettit)" - I get. I like.
* "I can't stay on the Internet too long before someone finds out." - so you have secret listeners too?
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